Sick of feeling seperate?

Well here we go! Much time is spent alone in ones head. Which can be a very unwieldy place if not trained.One friend Robert, who had been homeless for over 20 years, asked as we shared a chat and some coffee at the Coffee Attic in Redondo Beach California, “are these my thoughts?” Jumping back and pointing to myself. I remember having  a similar self conversation that continued, “if they were my thoughts, i would make them more pleasant, less aggressive or hostile toward myself, the world and others. Even just having these thoughts pass through my ears did not feel good.The thoughts could be filled with racial negativity, sexual innuendo, blame, shouting, self judgement and criticism, historic images, self doubt,  family of origin, just blatant cussing.

Earlier, when i followed the recovery world more closely they spoke of a or the committee which resides in ones head, thoughts or inner dialogue now called disowned aspects and self talk. It was helpful to think the committee had an actual location and to imagine they could be addressed and spoken too. I remembered when someone listens to me, when i was upset, i found myself calming down and able to think/act more clearly. I applied this to my self talk and committee assembly. Later i added feedback and reflection towards their banter and sensitivities. This really helped me make friends with these inner demons. i realize this may be old news to you. In my desire to be of use i share it once again, like a left over lasagna where parts stick to the pan or casserole dish and some fits perfectly in ones mouth when you open it just a bit wider than a boat. heheheh!

You can begin to feel less separate, if you wish,  by first making friends with that which is inside of you. Get into your own corner baby.!Get your own back first! Stop , drop and roll.

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